
March 30: New lecture notes on modular forms

March 17: New references for modular forms

March 4: New references for representation theory of sl(2) and the Weyl character formula

Feb 19: New literature suggestions on Lie algebras

Feb 3: More detailed goals and new literature suggestions below!

Project goals

Basic task: Study the connection between automorphic forms and statistical mechanical

models of crystals and ice.

Visionary goal: Use the above connection to study instanton effects in string theory, which are known to

be captured by automorphic forms.

Road map:

Step 1. Understand why partition functions of the 6-vertex model (“square ice”) can be written in terms

of products of Schur polynomials. Show this explicitly in low-dimensional examples and try to understand

the general proof. Literature help indicated below.

Step 2. Show that the same partition function appears as in the Fourier coefficients of certain modular

functions known as Eisenstein series. Daniel and Henrik will provide substantial help with this point.

Step 3*. Analyze the relations between the above results and instanton effects in string theory. NB: This is

a research level problem and we will probably only have time to discuss this at the very end!


Statistical physics

A nice summary of the connection we seek to understand is the paper

B. Brubaker, D. Bump, S. Friedberg, “Eisenstein Series, Crystals and Ice” (pdf)

Don’t attempt to read this from page one, but skip directly to section 7 and try to get an

idea of the statistical mechanical concepts that are involved. You will find the following

book very useful:

R. J. Baxter, “Exactly solved models in statistical mechanics” (pdf)

Again, don’t attempt to read this from cover to cover! Use the paper above for guidance. Models

of ice are analyzed from chapter 7 and onwards.

In order to complete Step 1 of the road map you will in addition find help from the following references.

  1. B.Brubaker, D. Bump, S. Friedberg, “Schur polynomials and the Yang-Baxter equation” (pdf)

First look in section 2 of this paper for the basic stuff and some examples. You will also find

section 2 of the following paper useful:

  1. B.Brubaker, D. Bump, G. Chinta, S. Friedberg, P. E. Gunnells, “Metaplectic Ice” (pdf)

For the general proof that the partition function can be written in terms of Schur polynomials,

see Theorem 9 on page 16 of the paper “Schur polynomials...”. There it is written in terms of the

(a, b, c) labelling of the Boltzmann weights. A much nicer form is obtained by going to the (t,z)-variables

which is done in section 5 of the same paper; see eq. (25) for the final result. 

As a first step, start by rewriting the partition function for the example \lambda=(0,0) on page 11 in the general

form given in Theorem 9. Then change variables as in eq. (24) and rewrite it in the form of eq. (25).

Group theory and Lie algebras

* The following paper is a good starting point:

A. Kirillov, “Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras” (pdf)

Here I recommend especially section 3.10 and the first sections of chapter 5.

* Another good source is:

  1. B.C. Hall, “An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations” (pdf)

See in particular the first few sections of chapter 3 which contains useful info on how

to exponentiate matrices to go from the Lie algebra to the group.

* It might also be useful to take a look at the notes I wrote during the bachelor

project on group theory a few years ago. They can be found on this page:


See in particular parts 1, 2, 4.

* An additional source that can be useful for the representation theory of sl(2) is

section 2 of the following paper:

  1. L.Banu, “Representation theory of the Lie algebra sl(n, C)” (pdf)

* For more details on the Weyl character formula you can take a look at:

  1. B.Reason, “Weyl’s Character Formula for Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras” (pdf)

See section 4.1 for the specific example of sl(2).

Modular forms

  1. *A basic introduction to modular forms can be found in the following

notes I wrote for a series of 4 lectures at the Albert Einstein Institute:

Notes on modular forms 1

Notes on modular forms 2

Notes on modular forms 3

  1. *For some basic stuff about holomorphic modular forms, see

sections 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.2 of

  1. D.Zagier, “Elliptic modular forms and their applications” (pdf)

(ignore the parts of these sections marked with the spades symbol)

  1. *For the detailed calculation of the Fourier expansion of the non-holomorphic

Eisenstein series (which is the most relevant object for you), see section 9.2 of

Henrik’s master thesis:


  1. *If you are interested in a first glimpse of its physical interpretation in string theory you

can take a look at chapter 8 in my PhD thesis:


Useful concepts to study closer


Schur polynomials

Holomorphic functions

Fourier expansions of holomorphic functions

Integral forms of the Gamma function and modified Bessel function

Basics of group theory

The group SL(2,R) of 2x2 matrices with det = 1 and real entries


Ising model

Boltzmann weight

Partition function in statistical mechanics

Basic group theory:


For details about SL(2,R) you can also take a look at chapter 3 in Henrik’s master thesis: 


From modular forms to crystals and quantum gravity

Bachelor project at Chalmers, spring 2015

Main supervisor: Daniel Persson

Co-supervisor: Henrik Gustafsson

Daniel Persson

Associate Professor

Division of Algebra and Geometry

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Chalmers University of Technology